Saturday, September 15, 2007

Children Craving God's Love

As I think of the Philippines God has portrayed and infused my mind a vivid picture of children needing the hope only Jesus provides. As you walk the streets many children pass. When they look your way their brown eyes are so hungry for love. Daily I hear them playing on the street in front of my door. As I observe their tattered clothes and unbathed bodies, I wonder who loves and cares for them.

In the Gospel of Mark we read on a particular occasion the children were brought to Jesus. The disciples reacted by rebuking those bringing children. Jesus being displeased answered saying “Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.”
On Saturday CC Masantol has a Bible story hour for children. They sing children’s worship. You would be touched to listen to their voices worshipping God. They listen to a Bible story before coloring a related picture. After refreshments they head back out to Masantol life.
This Saturday the children began gathering for the meeting two hours before the beginning As 90 plus children sat with eyes aglow my heart was moved. We must allow the children to come to Jesus. Jesus said that each of us must come as children to the Kingdom of God. Then as Jesus exemplified, we must surround them with God’s love.
Pray that the children of Masantol would come to Jesus. When the children come and sense His love, familys will follow. Then a community will be looking to Jesus. They will see children being loved as they sit on His lap.

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