Monday, September 3, 2007

Lessons from Lita

Paul writing to the Philippians in chapter four, shares a glimpse of how God was caring for him and the mission he was called too. Probably the key word is “content. Check out the reference. In Philippians 4:10-11 we read “But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at last your care for me has flourished again; though you surely did care, but you lacked opportunity. Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.” I am learning about contentment from my Filipino brothers and sisters. So many have so little. Yet in Jesus they have much.
A home is made between cinderblocks, covered by rusted corrugated metal. Many roofs have openings and therefore leaks. Some have no running water. I’ve observed floors covered simply by straw mats. The daily meal of rice though prepared with different ingredients and spices must become mundane. Lita (a forty something wife and mother) comes to church regularly and is always joyful. She earns extra pesos selling various snacks and drinks from a table in her alleyway. It is from the Lita’s that God is teaching me.
I am learning to be content. God has provided for financial commitments at home. God has blessed with airfare for both Kathie and myself. August monthly expenses in Masantol were fully there each day. We have seen God plentifully supply. Yet having come here to minister, I now have been ministered unto. I am learning where as an USA citizen I ought to live with greater contentment and simplicity. I have an enlarged heart for those who live with much less.
My prayer; Lord let me live content and joyful like Lita.

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